Trolle Ljungby
The history of the estate
From the middle ages to the present
The properties of the land on which Trolle Ljungby is situated has kept the estate relevant and thriving over time. The estate has through centuries changed its character. Not only through ownership, but also raising of buildings and changing of nationality. The castle as it stands has not always looked the same, but it has always been the focus of the operation tied to it. The development of the operations over time create the fundament on which the castle stands. Over time the castle has become subject to myth and folklore. Read more about the castle history here.

Our operations
Since the 1300s the land at Trolle Ljungby has been cultivated and it is easy to sense the centuries gone by. The estate comprises of about half woodland and half pasture and agricultural landscape. The property spreads out from Åhus in the southwest, to Sölvesborg in the east, between the Ivölake shores and the ridge of ryssberget to Näsum in the north. Several close-knit and integrated operations such as forestry, property management, agriculture, animal keeping, game, farm-shop, park areas and mechanical workshop form the base of the operating company, Trolle-Ljungby AB, run by CEO Per-Inge Pålsson.
At Trolle Ljungby mixed farming is conducted. We grow a variety of crops for sale. With crop rotation as a method, we grow roughages/forage as fodder for milk cows, pigs, and game. The rotation keeps the soil vital and nourished. In practice we grow roughages/forage as fodder for animals who in turn create manure for the fields to reintroduce nutrients and texture back the soil before the next rotation. By producing our own manure, we can cut a large amount of unnecessary transport. In short this is what our biological cycle looks like.
The Farm
Forestry & Game
The Game Shop
Service Center
Directions to the head office
Coming from highway E22 the head office is located in the side of the old brick stables, stretched along the road. Turn right when the pond is on your right.